Announcing the OMA3 token

We are taking the wraps off our plans to reward member contributions.  Details can be found in the new token litepaper (access to Github required).  The paper describes OMA3's token architecture and its evolution, focusing on incorporating DAO elements into its governance. The key elements are:

1. Reputation System: Member privileges are determined by reputation points, earned through contributions, with implications for access to various benefits.

2. Soul-Bound Tokens (SBTs): Members receive non-transferable SBTs for reputation tracking and voting, solidifying the shift from the common “one token/one vote” model in Web3 DAOs.

3. Fungible Tokens: Now included in the plan, fungible tokens will be used alongside SBTs within OMA3 operations.  Fungible tokens will be distributed to members pro-rata based on reputation points.

4. Bounty System: This system allows members to propose and undertake work to earn reputation points.

These updates represent the latest in OMA3’s approach to enhance collaboration and member engagement in the Web3 space. If you're looking to get involved and earn reputation points, we have two exciting opportunities for you. Our first is an open call for proposals on the Inter World Portaling System (github account needed). We've also just launched a request for proposals for our new token architecture. This is a great chance for your technology to be recognized and utilized by top-tier platforms in the Web3 and NFT space. Questions? Contact

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